Leadership Coaching: Time and Task Management

Leadership Coaching: Performance and ProductivityAs you grow in your leadership role, do you find it increasingly difficult to juggle all your tasks and manage your time well? If so, leadership coaching can help you improve your own as well as your team’s performance and productivity.

  • Are you regularly taking on more tasks than you can handle?
  • Do you wish you could delegate better?
  • Are you unable to spend enough time on the parts of your work that are most important in the long term?

These struggles are very natural for leaders who care deeply about their work. However, leadership coaching can help you greatly increase your own and your team’s performance and productivity in a healthy and sustainable way.

You’ve always been an overachiever. Why has your time and task management become so much more challenging recently?

Here is what often happens to leaders – it may have happened to you as well. Let me guess: you became a leader or manager because of your outstanding performance, passion and commitment to your work. Not only do you complete your tasks with excellence, but you’re being proactive on top of that. You take on more responsibilities than necessary, and you’re over-delivering on what you promise.

This is why others trust you, and why they want to give you even more responsibilities. In other words, this is why they want you to be in a leader. If you are part of a larger organization, it is one of the reasons you’ve been promoted or recruited into a leadership role. If you are a business owner, this is why your business is growing and you are able to hire (more) staff.

However, as you are growing and transitioning from a more task-focused, “working” role, into a managing and leadership role, you are facing a different challenge: you have to make more decisions. In particular, you have to make decisions NOT to take on certain tasks, and you’ll have to decide how to handle that. You’ll have to pass on some projects, even ones you would be excited about. You have to delegate tasks, or turn them down entirely. Deciding not to take on a task is particularly difficult for the most passionate leaders. And yet, it is essential for effective leadership. If you want to be known not only as a passionate leader, but as an effective and responsible one, you will need to make consistently great decisions about managing your time and prioritizing your tasks.

What Is Leadership Coaching, and How Will It Help You?

My approach to productivity and performance coaching is based on decision science. To start out, we will assess your work situation, needs and challenges. Together we will analyze what works and what doesn’t, and where you have opportunities to improve your time and task management. Based on this, we will develop, adapt and tweak your own systems for setting your priorities and managing your tasks.

Leadership Coaching: Decisions, Performance and ProductivityLeadership coaching will help you get more important work done, stay away from unimportant work, and become confident in telling the difference.

Once you have this well-grounded confidence in your decisions, you will be able to communicate them transparently and delegate responsibly. In that way, it will help you hone the necessary skills to become a respected and productive leader.

Will Coaching Be Worth My Time and Money?

That depends. The benefits of coaching are not linear: you will get dramatically better results if you dive deeper into it. Optimal personal productivity is a skill. Like all skills, you will need to practice it to reach true mastership. This means that in order for you to get the most value from coaching, you will need to dedicate regular and frequent time to the coaching process, not just during but also between sessions.

Some of the benefits of performance coaching for leaders are that you will:

… get more important work done
… have better action plans and realistic schedules
… develop healthier habits
… take real breaks
… have a sounding board to solve ongoing problems
… be able to communicate your decisions with confidence

Only you can estimate how much value all of this would have for you, and therefore whether coaching would be worth your investment. Ask yourself also how your organization and other people might benefit if you became a true master of your time and task management skills.

Are you ready to start, or would you like to find out more? You can schedule a first coaching session or a brief phone call to discuss options here:

Leadership coaching: Set up an appointment with Ursina Teuscher

What Past Clients Say About Working With Me as a Coach:

“Ursina really helped me get my leadership skills to the next level. I was overwhelmed by my unsustainable workload when I started seeing her. Also, my taking on too many projects had a negative effect on my team. I needed that outside perspective to help me choose and commit to the right priorities and set up a system to communicate and delegate in an effective and responsible way.”
Corinne M. D.

“I highly recommend Ursina’s performance coaching for leaders. Aside from getting more work done and getting into healthier habits overall, I also really appreciated having her as a smart advisor for my ongoing problems and dilemmas at work. She has a way to listen deeply and come up with surprising wisdoms. Thanks, Ursina! “
Manuel S.

Read more testimonials here.
